Donald Trump is Not Pro-Life

Amy Stokes
4 min readOct 28, 2020


Sanctity: The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly.

Many who are voting for this president claim they do so because they think he believes in the sanctity of life. Here are some of the reasons why this makes my blood pressure go up:

Demonizing immigrants and refugees and using the government to systematically separate families at the border is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Minimizing and lying about a virus that disproportionately affects people of color is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Mocking mask-wearing, which has been proven over and over again to be a life-saving measure, is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Misusing money that was designated for hurricane relief is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Allowing evictions to continue during a health crisis and leaving people without a home is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Saying “I like people who weren’t captured,” about a POW is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Trying to cut basic healthcare access to those most vulnerable during a health crisis is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Spreading conspiracy theories from the man who claimed Sandy Hook was a hoax is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Refusing to acknowledge the effects that slavery has had on our country is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Promoting segregationist rhetoric about the suburbs is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Telling people to drink bleach is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Promoting violence against people who don’t support you is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Failing to provide proper hurricane relief to Puerto Rico is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Requesting that certain people are not counted in the census is unconstitutional and is not acknowledging the sanctity of human life.

Pepper-spraying people who had gathered peacefully so you could use a church and the Bible and as a political prop is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Using the federal government for the first time in decades to kill prisoners of the state is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Failing to work against gun violence is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Demonizing other religions and using racist terms in a church to roars of cheers is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Continuing to use policy to further pollute God’s earth and ignore the damaging and lethal effects of climate change is not acknowledging the sanctity of life.

Doing all of this while claiming the Lord’s name is heart-wrenching.

Doing all of this in an attempt to stay in power and spread division among the people the president was elected to serve shows just how little this man and his party leaders value their fellow Americans.

Using the conscience of those who believe that abortion is wrong and believe in God to justify words and policy that are decidedly not pro-life, is sickening and shows a condescending view of what it means to be a Christian.

Being pro-life means acknowledging the sanctity of life. That includes an entire life of people from every race, religion, zip code, country, and income bracket.

Statistically, white Christians continue to support this president. Some of them do so claiming that his views on abortion are the reason why they stomach his other policies and rhetoric.

But his other policies and rhetoric have literally led to countless lives lost too soon and to human beings of all ages being told that their life isn’t as important as someone else’s because of where they are from, what they look like, or what they believe.

We badly need to raise the level of debate on the issue of abortion.

Our pastors can provide us with their understanding of scripture, but they are not American policy experts.

Abortion rates have been steadily dropping for a long time. Want to see them drop further? Support policies and politicians that aim to reduce poverty. Support policies and politicians that aim to increase access to birth control. Support ending abstinence-only education, which time and time again proves ineffective. Strangely enough, those are policies supported more so by Democrats than Republicans.

Abortion may be the most divisive political issue in America. It has been used for decades to mobilized white religious voters, though that didn’t occur until years after Roe v. Wade.

I’m not writing this because of my personal opinions on abortion. I am desperately trying to communicate that there is a clear disconnect in believing that this president, vice president, or administration represents a pro-life agenda. Their other policies and rhetoric like responding to covid, healthcare, immigration, police brutality, gun violence, poverty, climate change, and racism are directly related to human life. This president may claim to be anti-abortion, but he is not pro-life. And I thought that should be something people know before they cast their ballot.

If you can’t take my word for it, please listen and read these stories below from several pro-life and/or religious voters who are sharing their reasoning for being unable to support this president.

I write all of this with love and with urgency.
Stay safe. Wear a mask. And vote.
Lives depend on it.

